
Welcome to our website! St Fillan’s is an inclusive and friendly Episcopal church in the Diocese of Edinburgh, part of the Scottish Episcopal Church and the wider worldwide Anglican Communion. We are here to serve God and our local community, and we hope to be here for all who need us.

Through our website, we hope you may find out more about us. Do get in touch if you would like to learn more. We would love to hear from you, and please remember, you are always welcome at one of our services.

The Sung Eucharist is at 10.00am each Sunday morning.

At St Fillan’s, we seek to live out the Christian life and to share that life with others, through our worship, our social events, and our involvement with the local community. We are a welcoming and inclusive community, providing a safe space where all can find prayer, song, silence, and sacrament.

Our buildings are well used during the week by a variety of local community groups, and it means a lot to the congregation that we can serve the local community in this way. The hall is available for occasional use at various times. For bookings, see our hire page.

We are a Fairtrade Church. We use fairly traded products for our refreshments after services. We have a fairtrade volunteer in our congregation, through whom a range of foodstuffs and gifts may be bought. There is an occasional stall in church.

We support a range of charities at home and abroad. Several members of the congregation are actively involved with Christian Aid, L’Arche, the Open Door Project in Morningside, Enable Scotland, Malawi Association for Christian Support, and Rainforest Saver.

If you need more information about a particular activity or aspect of church life, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.